New Storyboard Collage Design

I have been receiving a lot of interest lately in story board collages!

Some of the layout's I have available include the following.

A lot of customers have been asking if the below collage layout could be done on Canvas. The below layout allows for a one inch wrapping (white edge) for canvas printing and is sized at 24x24 inch. Price is $365 for canvas print or a standard print can be done at a cost of $255.

A new addition to my story board design's is the 20x20 inch story board collage which incorporates x3 images sized at 5x7inch and includes a black and white background image. Take a look...


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All content is strictly the property of Michelle DeNichilo and Lollipop Creative Photography (copyright 2006/2007) No part of the content or the blog may be reproduced without prior written permission.