Launching Lollipop Creative Photography

After filling up many boxes with photographs, taking photos for friends of engagement parties, birthdays, baby christenings, pregnancy, working as an photography assistant for Studio Mode and study, I am now fulfilling my dream of opening up my own photography business specialising in family and children’s photography.

Opening Lollipop Creative Photography has been something I have been talking about and working towards for a number of years. It's funny, my two and half year old niece, Molly almost convinced me to name this business Mollypop, as she is convinced this is the correct pronounciation of all things sweet!

A special thanks to my family and friends who have encouraged me to pursue this dream. Especially my husband Joe and my sister Donna who have both contributed their time, advice, wisdom and generosity.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Adelaide won't know how it ever coped without your creative genius, Chelle!

    You are a talented photographer and a gorgeous person. I know this venture will be hugely successful and all your friends and family will continue to support you in everyway possible.

    Can't wait to see all your beautiful photographs here on your blog.

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