Your Own Backyard!

I recently had the honour of photographing some great friends of mine! They possessed all the key attributes I love to capture in a family. That is they were heaps of fun, not to mention good-looking and the kids were exceedingly adorable. This family really were the complete package and so much fun to work with!

We started this shoot at the families home where I discovered this amazing rustic and weathered old brick shed, sometimes the best locations are actually in your own back yard!

This is just a sneak peek into their shoot. I have dozens more to share!

This is one of my absolute favourites, I just melt when I see babies laughing like this! Not to mention another great backyard discovery with this old barrel and iron!

After getting some great shots at the family home we ventured out!

These next three images, I think are a great set and should be kept together. I would love to see these ones put into a storyboard.

Here's an example of what I mean by storyboard.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Gorgeous, gorgeous captures Chelle! You're one talented chick.

    And to the 'D's' guys are one good looking family!! Hope you're all well? You certainly look it in these photos! :)

    Donna xx
    Anonymous said...
    These photos are beautiful, you have captured the spirt of their wonderful little family.

    Marla(from Canada)

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